Contact us
Contact Breadline Africa South Africa
1 Platinum Park, 101 Capricorn Drive, Capricorn Business Park, Muizenberg, Cape Town, 7945, South Africa
At this time, we are pausing applications for early learning infrastructure to better align with our strategic priorities and impact goals. Thank you for your understanding.
Contact Breadline Africa United Kingdom
Wendy Hill
Claydon Court, Old Ipswich Road, Claydon, Ipswich, IP6 0AE, United Kingdom
+44 (0)1473 259048 [email protected]
Charity No. 1075525
GAYE Reg. No. 000185302
Company No. 3524187
Contact Breadline Africa Ireland
Noo Wallis
PO Box 9737, Glenageary, Co. Dublin, Ireland
IRL Charity Number (RCN) 20107666
Contact Breadline Africa Netherlands
Geregistreerd als ANBI Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling ), KVK. 34113871
Utrechtseweg 15, 3811 NA Amersfoort, Nederland
+31 (0) 33 204 57 01 | [email protected]
Download the completed ANBI form for Breadline Africa (pdf.) HERE: standaardformulier-publicatieplicht-anbi-algemeen1(1)
RSIN 808102448
Your contribution is what keeps us going.
On behalf of the children, we thank you for your kindness and support.