Inkwenkwezi Educare Centre, Khayelitsha, Cape Town

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Inkwenkwezi Educare Centre is located in Zwelitsha which is an informal settlement in Khayelitsha where shack dwellers try their best to make the area liveable, while The City begins the process of providing basic services to its residents.

On Thursday, 16 May 2019 the centre received a huge gift from Breadline Africa’s individual donors container classrooms and a much needed combination kitchen/toilet facility The space is designated specifically for the 19 babies currently enrolled at the centre and are a far cry from the original shack that was demolished to make way for the new container conversions.

Not only do they provide adequate space and ventilation, but they are also hygienic, adequate and a safe environment for the children Zanyiwe Velapi the centre’s principal already has a long waiting list of children that she wishes to enrol The new facilities will allow her to accommodate them, ensuring that more children of Zwelitsha informal settlement have a safe place to learn and grow.

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Lukhanyiso Educare Centre classroom launch

OMTOM 2020

This year our runners helped to raise funds for a kitchen and toilet facility at Lukhanyiso Educare Centre in Nkanini Informal Settlement on the Cape

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