Leave a legacy

Leave a legacy

Thank you for considering leaving a gift in your Will to help generations of children in South Africa to learn and grow. Gifts like the one you are considering right now, form the foundations upon which we are able to build the futures of thousands of South African children.

How your gift will help

Even a modest gift becomes a powerful catalyst for change, enabling us to provide vital infrastructure for education.

Like many of our dedicated donors who have already left a bequest in their  Will, you may rest assured that your wishes will be honoured. Once you have remembered family and friends in your Will, you may decide to leave a gift to the children of Breadline Africa. We recommend you seek legal advice when making or altering your final wishes.

Your gift is a vital tool for us to continue providing solutions to under resourced communities and vulnerable people. Breadline Africa’s community-based projects are clustered into three main groups and your legacy gift will help us to continue our work in these areas:

Pre-schools / Crèches

Classrooms, toilet facilities and or kitchens using converted shipping containers and prefabricated units, to replace unsafe shacks


Initiatives and Special Community Projects

Feeding programmes, school stationery packs and educational outings to develop good learning outcomes

Library project

Converted shipping containers and prefabricated libraries to improve literacy levels

Types of gifts

There are three types of gifts you can leave in your Will: 

A share of your estate

This is a percentage of your estate after all other gifts and expenses have been paid.

A specific sum

This is a gift of a set amount of money

A specific item

This would be something valuable such as an antique, painting, property or shares that we would sell

How to leave a gift in your will

For more info on leaving a gift in your will, please contact us at: 


Tel: +27 (0)21 418 0322

Email:  [email protected]


Tel: +44 (0)01473 259048

Email: [email protected]


Tel: +353 (0)1497 7110

Email: [email protected]


Tel: +31 (0) 33 204 57 01

Email: [email protected]

Alternatively you can complete the form and we will be in touch.

For more information on setting up a Will in South Africa, please make use of the following resources:

The Western Cape Government: 

The Law Society of SA: https://www.lssa.org.za/  

Legal Aid: https://legal-aid.co.za/

Beneficiary Voices

Frequently asked questions