HP Williams Primary School

St Helena Bay
Western Cape

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20m² prefab kitchen

Date Launched

18 November 2022


Stompneusbaai, St Helena Bay,

Western Cape

No of children

495 children

Year started


Impact achieved

• Located in the fishing village of Stompneus Bay, the school had no kitchen – despite all of the children being on the feeding programme. Teachers had been sharing their meals with the learners from their small staff recreation room.

• Peninsula School Feeding Association and Oceana made the provision of the new 20m2 prefabricated kitchen possible.

• The kitchen is decorated with cartoons depicting familiar scenes of fishers going to sea, and Oceana has also provided a spacious dining area, allowing the children to enjoy their meals at tables, rather that seated on the ground. In addition to being more hygienic, it also makes the feeding programme easier to supervise.

• “By extending the programme to everyone and ensuring the meals are delicious, we hope to eliminate any real or perceived stigma associated with accepting a school lunch. Feedback from the trials indicate that this ‘feeding with dignity’ approach is working,” Neville Brink, Oceana CEO, explained.

• To ensure the meals are as healthy and tasty as possible, Oceana has secured the expertise of a chef from another community project it supports, the Yes Hub in Vredenburg. In addition to designing the menus, he has trained local women to cook the meals. The food preparation and hygiene training they receive is accredited.

• 495 children will benefit from the provision of this much-needed kitchen.

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