Go Aga Botho Jwa Bana Barona

Kuruman, Northern Cape

The ECD centre desperately needs new infrastructure and to replace their pit toilet with decent toilet facilities.

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About the project:

In 2014, Thelma Dimakatso Moncho, a retired teacher, used her first pension to open Go Ago Botho Jwa Bana Barona, an ECD centre in Maruping Village, outside of Kuruman. Thelma and her staff do everything in their power to provide good stimulation and care to the children from their community, to ensure they have a great start in their learning career and lives.

The challenge:

Despite being well-run, the centre lacks basic necessities like proper ceilings, walls, and hygienic kitchen and toilet facilities. A zinc structure serves as a make-shift kitchen and a dangerous and unhygienic pit toilet stands in the corner of the property, far from the classrooms.

The need:

Providing a safer facility and an additional classroom to accommodate more children will enable the centre to get registered. This registration will grant access to vital subsidies for a community where many struggle with school fees. Breadline Africa plans to provide the school with a new prefabricated classroom, a kitchen and sickbay facility and 4 pour-flush toilet systems to replace the school’s pit toilet.

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