Motheo Pre-School

Kuruman, Northern Cape

Motheo Pre-school is in need of a new classroom and kitchen, as well as decent toilet facilities to replace the dangerous pit toilets.

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About the project:

Motheo Pre-School is situated in the rural community of Maruping Village, outside of Kuruman in the Northern Cape. Principal Egging Boipelo Modise opened the pre-school in 2006 because many children from the community lacked access to early learning. Despite challenges, the school is well-run and receives support from Breadline Africa’s partner organizations for feeding and teacher training. The school has grown to accommodate 60 learners, and Principal Modise’s hope is that all children from the Maruping community are ready for school when they enter primary school.

The challenge:

The school operates from a brick structure that is in substandard condition, with a leaky roof and cracks in the walls. More concerningly, the school’s small children and staff have to make use of pit latrines, which are unsafe and unhygienic

The need:

Breadline Africa would like to provide Motheo Pre-School with a new prefabricated classroom to accommodate more children in age-appropriate classes, a kitchen facility to prepare healthy meals, and a sickbay. The school’s pit toilets need to be demolished and replaced with four pour flush toilets to ensure decent sanitation. These interventions will enable the school to qualify for ECD registration and receive much-needed government subsidies for the children in their care.

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Motheo Pre-School

Motheo Pre-school is in need of a new classroom and kitchen, as well as decent toilet facilities to replace the dangerous pit toilets.

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